What to Expect:
Activities include sports, arts and crafts, dance and music.
We have both indoor and outdoor activities planned each day, however we will be spending the majority of our time outside.

Please come dressed for the weather and bring and hat and sunscreen.
On extra-hot days, we will put up additional canopies for shade.

Off-site trips include the many neighbourhood playgrounds, sports fields, and Crystal Pool.

We swim twice per week.

Parents will be sent a schedule at the beginning of each week, however we reserve the right to change the schedule where necessary due to weather or other unexpected events.

Camp activities take place in English.

What to Bring:
Please bring the following each day (and check-in with your child to ensure they have all items at the end of the day:

  • CUAET visa (first day only – if you have one)
  • Lunch & Snacks – big & healthy
  • Water bottle
  • Hat
  • Sunscreen
  • Swimsuit and towel (on swim/water days) 
  • Runners (no flip-flops) 
  • Weather-appropriate clothing
  • No toys from home 
  • No nuts or products containing nuts

Lost and Found:
Lost and found items will not be retained week-after-week. At the end of each day, any lost and found items will be displayed at the sign out tables. While best efforts will be made throughout the day to ensure no items are left behind, caregivers are remained to check in with their child each day to ensure they have all belongings.

We value diversity and empathy – without exception:
Camp Sunflower is open to children of all nationalities and backgrounds. We do not discriminate based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, family status or genetic characteristics. We do not tolerate racism, discrimination, harassment, or hate.

Questions? Please contact [email protected] . 

Please click here to register. One form per child.

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